Two three-dimensional actinides-silver heterometallic coordination polymers based on 2,2'-bipyridine-3,3'-dicarboxylic acid with helical chains containing dimeric or trimeric motifs.
发布人:超级管理员 发布时间:2017-01-13 浏览次数:2059
实验室的赵然博士使用同时具有氧原子供体和氮原子供体的多官能团配体合成了两种结构新颖的U(VI)/Th(IV)-Ag(I)异金属配位聚合物,它们分别具有双核或三核的金属-配体的螺旋链结构。这一研究工作被European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry接受,祝贺!
129. Ran Zhao, Lei Mei, Kong-Qiu Hu, Lin Wang, Zhi-Fang Chai, Wei-Qun Shi*. Two three-dimensional actinides-silver heterometallic coordination polymers based on 2,2'-bipyridine-3,3'-dicarboxylic acid with helical chains containing dimeric or trimeric motifs.