A quasi-relativistic DFT study of the actinyl (VI, V) (An=U, Np, Pu) Complexes with a six-membered macrocycle containing pyrrole, pyridine and furan subunits.
发布人:超级管理员 发布时间:2015-07-31 浏览次数:1953
蓝建慧博士的工作被J. Phys. Chem. A. 接收,祝贺!
90. Jian-Hui Lan, Cong-Zhi Wang, Qun-Yan Wu, Shu-Ao Wang, Yi-Xiao Feng, Yu-Liang Zhao, Zhi-Fang Chai, Wei-Qun Shi*. A quasi-relativistic DFT study of the actinyl (VI, V) (An=U, Np, Pu) Complexes with a six-membered macrocycle containing pyrrole, pyridine and furan subunits.